Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Blog 19: Senior Project and ESLRs

1.  What ESLR have you excelled in most in your senior project? 
I feel like I've excelled in the effective user of technology category the most.

2.  Please explain why you think you have excelled in this ESLR.

I feel like I've excelled in this ESLR most because I have been going to the internet in order to help me find ideas that I could apply to my senior project. Through usage of technology, I've been able to go to the internet and find many pictures or videos that trigger ideas I should use for my room that I would not have been able to come across in books as easily.

3.  Provide evidence from your senior project to support your claim (evidence is a photo of something you are doing, photo of something you made, etc).

That is a folder I made on my computer where If I come across an idea I like in a photo on the internet, I will put in there and refer back to it.
This is one of the photos in that folder.The suitcase idea by the bed is something I hope I could do in my independent component- which is redecorating my bedroom.