Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Blog 18: 2-Hour Meeting Answer #3

1.  What is your essential question?
What is most important in redecorating a residential bedroom?

2.  What is your third answer to your essential question?

Walls are an important factor in redecorating a residential bedroom.

3.  What are three details to support or justify your third answer (details are examples or facts)?

1.)You could paint walls
2.)You could put up paintings
3.)You could put up tapestry on the walls

4.  What source helped you prove this answer is justified for your essential question?

Sanders, April. "Ideas for Decorating Bedroom Walls." EHow. Demand Media, 03 July 2009. Web. 28 Feb. 2013. <>.

5.  What do you plan to study next and why? 
I plan to figure out what I want to do with my walls in my room since I am going to redesign my room.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Blog 17: Fourth Interview Questions

1.What is most important in redecorating a residential bedroom?
2. What is the first thing you do when redesigning a bedroom?
3. Would you rather sketch a room with a pencil or pen? why?
4. How do you decide what furniture to reuse?
5. How else would you incorporate color into a room if you cannot paint the walls of the room?
6. What's the best thing to do with an empty wall?
7. How do you decide what colors to use for a room?
8. What is your favorite place to buy furniture from?
9. If you want to buy furniture on craigslist, what are some things to watch out for?
10. How do you decide where you want to place your furniture in a room?
11. What are some ways to help you stick to a budget?
12. What was the most interesting thing you did when redesigning a bedroom?
13. What are some tips you could give to someone who has a small room?
14.  How do you decide whether you should throw something out, or keep it for the room?
15. What are some things you would suggest someone shouldn't do to a room?
16. How do you usually decide what theme a room should have?
17.  How do you gather ideas for a room?
18.What do you do when you have something you absolutely love, but it doesn't go along with the theme of the room?
19. What is the hardest thing in redecorating a bedroom?
20. What makes a room look good? 

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Blog 16: 2-Hour Meeting Answer #2

1.  What is your essential question?
What is most important in redecorating a residential bedroom?

2.  What is your second answer to your essential question?

One of the most important things in redecorating a residential bedroom is furniture. 

3.  What are three details to support or justify your second answer?
-Rearranging furniture can transform a room completely.
-You can't fully redesign a bedroom when you don't have any furniture to design with. 
-Once you know what you want to do with a room, (which is my first answer) the second part to it is going out and finding or transforming the furniture you need in order to express your idea in the design.

4.  What source helped you prove this answer is justified for your essential question?
-My Independent Component 1
-Mayhew, Elizabeth. FLIP! For Decorating. New York: Ballantine, 2009. Print.
-Third Interview with Andrew Clark

5.  What do you plan to study next with your second answer and why? 

 I plan to continue my study of answer 2 by redesigning my bedroom because it will help answer my EQ.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Blog 15: Independent Component 2 Approval

(1) Write a description of what you plan on doing for your independent study component.
I am planning to redesign my bedroom.

(2) Describe in detail how you think your plan will meet the 30 hours work requirement.

I will be spending a lot of time gathering ideas and inspiration for my room by looking at online photos, magazines, books, and much more. I will then have to sketch out my ideas. After sketching, I will start redesigning my room. I might have to visit some stores, antique shops, and places for furniture. I will also have to go through all the stuff in my room and organize to see what could be used, and what needs to go.

(3) How does your independent study component relate to your working EQ?  
My EQ is trying to find an answer for what is most important in redesigning a residential bedroom, and that is what I literally will be doing. I will redesign my residential bedroom.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Blog 14: Independent Component 1

    (a) “I, Natalie Ovcharenko, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work.”
    (b) -Rey Viquez:, 1(310)739-9096,
    -Baker, Martha, and Chuck Baker. The Outdoor Living Room. New York: Clarkson Potter, 2001. Print.
    -Diekman, Norman, and John F. Pile. Sketching Interior Architecture. New York: Whitney Library of Design, 1985. Print -Baker, Martha, and Chuck Baker. The Outdoor Living Room. New York: Clarkson Potter, 2001. Print. - "Fuck Yeah Interior Designs!" Fuck Yeah Interior Designs! Tumblr, n.d. Web. 28 Dec. 2012.
    -Google also provided me with lots of images.

  • (c)
    Independent Component 1 Hours Spreadsheet.
  • (d) Explanation of what you completed.
    I redesigned my patio like an Interior Designer.
    I had to get rid of a lot of things in my patio. Since the beginning, I had to deal with unnecessary items being there because my Aunt had just moved into a smaller space, and so she gave us a lot of the things she had no more space for. I spent a lot of time getting rid of them with my Dad. I also had no clue what I wanted to do to my patio. I knew I wanted to change it to make it look nicer, but I didn't have a color or theme set in mind. To help me figure out ideas, I spent time looking through books and I looked through a lot of photos on google. I also had to spend a lot of time sketching. It wasn't until I learned to sketch that I was able to start physically working on things. A lot of cleaning was done to make the place look nicer. I rearranged furniture to provide the most convenient space for the patio. 
My three adjective goals for this patio were:
-Family Gathering
-Light & Bright
-Being at home
To sum it up in a sentence: A place where a Russian family can gather around in the patio to make themselves feel at home for an exciting evening that would lighten and brighten up their day.



This is where the couch used to be. I didn't want to leave the space empty so I put those chairs there. The carvings on that chair gave it a nice Russian looking touch!

I rearranged the photos and added the lights. I put curtains that I got from my sister on top of the lights. I'm really glad  these curtain were red because the first color that pops into my mind when I think of Russia is red, and that went towards what I used as an inspiration for this component.

These are pillows that my Grandmas knitted a long time ago. Since this is where my family gathered most, I thought it would be a neat addition to the place.

  • Applied:
    Through this component, I got to experience being an Interior Designer. When you are being a designer, you really want to make the space personal to your client by showing things that relate to them through the designs. I thought the main goal was to make things look nice, and you had to do it using things you would find in the Martha Stewart homes edition magazine. That was completely not the case with this project. When I first showed my mentor photos of my patio to start looking at what changes should be made, I was quite embarrassed because it was nothing close to cute. We started talking about the paintings and I told him I would probably throw them away. He looked at me and said," Are you kidding me? No, keep them."I was quite surprised about this, but having paintings hanging in the patio are one of the reasons this one is so unique. Yes, you do want to make the space look nice, and the best way to do that is by using things that make your space personal. You want someone to walk into a room and know it is yours. I tried doing that by making this patio Russian looking since my inspirations came from Russian objects. You also want to stick to your sketches. The sketches helped me a lot. Once I sketched out my plan for the patio, it was easier to start working since I knew what I wanted. I also got to see how it feels to work with clients. I got to experience the moment when your clients get their first look at the place you have designed, and the "WOW" they shout out is worth every moment of work. To get that kind of reaction I had to learn how to communicate with my clients. 
    My main goal was to spend no more than $200. My favorite part about this whole project is the fact that I spent $0 redesigning it. Everything there is stuff I found around the house, or things people gave me. Making a space look nice does not mean you have to spend a lot of money.
    There were two things that made a major difference in this room. 
    1.) Getting rid of unnecessary things.
    2.) The rearrangement of furniture.
    Those are two things that can make a difference in any room.