Monday, May 13, 2013

Blog 24: Exit Interview Questions

(1) What is your essential question?  What is the best answer to your question and why?
My essential question is, "What is most important in redecorating a residential bedroom?"  
My best answer is knowing what changes you want to make to a room. This is my most important answer because when you have plans to start making changes in a room, you have a starting point to build off of.  Also because those who fail to plan, plan to fail.

(2) What process did you take to arrive at this answer?
It was my first independent component that really showed me the importance of my first answer. During my independent component, I planned to redecorate my patio. I knew that changes needed to be made, but I didn't know what I wanted to change about the place exactly. Not knowing where to start resulted in me not starting at all for the longest time. After I talked to my clients (my parents), got inspired, and sketched out my plans for the patio, then I was able to go forth with the changes I wanted to make.

(3) What problems did you face?  How did you resolve them?
The biggest problem I faced throughout my senior project was transportation to my mentorship. I don't drive and Rey, my mentor, is located in LA. My Dad is the one who drove me, but there were moments where he couldn't take me for weeks, and that started to become a problem because Rey was expecting me to be there every week. The way I resolved this problem was by telling Rey that I would have to leave if not being able to come in every week was becoming a hassle for him. After hearing this, Rey did not want to let me go and told me to come whenever I could. After that conversation, things were solved. Sometimes my research would be a problem for me because I wanted to find research that would tell what is most important in redecorating a residential bedroom, but a lot of them were tips on how to redecorate a room, or journeys that were taken by other designers when they redecorated a room. There was no step-by-step plan for me. This was not a major problem for me because I learned through experience in my mentorship and independent components.

(4) What are the two most significant sources you used to answer your essential question and why?
My first most important source was my mentorship. Rey, my mentor, and Andrew, a designer that works for rey. Through my mentorship, I got to first hand everything that happens in the office as an Interior Designer. I also helped them prep for some of the biggest presentations. My second most important source is a book called Sketching Interior Architecture by Norman Diekman and John F. Pile. This book helped support the importance of my first and most important answer, which is know what changes you want to make to a room, to the essential question. This book opened the doors to know how much you could do with sketching. I always thought there was a certain way that sketching had to be done because of the way I see my mentor do his sketchings, but through this book I realized that you decide the certain ways that sketching is done. It was the book I applied to my senior project the most, especially when I was working with sketching the patio of my first independent component.

(5) What is your product and why?
Because of this Senior Project, I have been more aware of the interiors in both commercial and residential areas. For example, I was at the Souplantation last week and I noticed how they had tomatoes on their carpet and how they had paintings of tomatoes on their walls because a garden tomato was their theme. I learned to become more aware of these little details because they were something I had to consider when I was redecorating a room. Through my mentorship, I also gained long friendships and connections with other designers, and I gained more experience of what it is like working as an interior designer in an office. I also got published into my first magazine with the people I work with. My room has finally been redesigned too. The reason I chose interior design as my senior topic so that I could finally redecorate my room, and I'm glad I finally did it!

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